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Our Goal 我们的目标

To help  families of children in critical health condition


Chinese Gold Ribbon Society of Canada was funded in order to supporting kids with critical illness and their families who receive treatments in BC Children hospital.


Our goal is that we help and support these families in need financially and mentally by providing gasoline cards, grocery cards and brand new subitizable toys according to children’s age. We have free translation and interpreter service to the families who can’t communicate well in English and provide immediate support without waiting.


We sets up a families group, and provide the opportunities that they meet each other. By sharing similar experience,  families will feel being understood and support from others. 







Gold Ribbon Society of Canada加拿大华人金丝带协会 wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. 


The Gold Ribbon Society of Canada envision a future where every family receives care and support daily for children dealing with a significant illness.

The Gold Ribbon also provide volunteering opportunities for children and teach children to care and love others during the actives.


让重病童儿童和家庭得到更多的资源,包括医疗上,经济上, 心理上的资源和扶持来帮助所有需要的家庭度过困难和发展未来。




Believe : we believe children should have a happy and meaningful childhood no matter what their current health status entails


Relationship: we offer emotional support for all families of children in critical condition

Sustainability: our volunteers and donors use their time, skills and resources to work efficiently and deliver results.



  •  我們坚信身患重疾的孩子们同样可以收获一个丰富而有意义的童年。抛开病痛收获灿烂。


  • 我們重视与服务家庭的紧密联系,让病童的家庭有所依靠,不再孤单摸索前行。


  • 我们深知,社会上有很多有爱心的人正在加入我们的路上,在协会不段壮大的同时,积蓄更大的力量,温暖更多的人心。

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